Why Dance?
To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking.
— Agnes de Mille
Do a google search for “benefits of dance” and prepare yourself for the onslaught of articles touting its physical and mental merits.
Dance can be an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise, improving your quality of life and endurance while lowering your risk of heart-related diseases in the future.
It also strengthens your core and lower body, which provides a myriad of benefits such as an increased sense of balance and stability.
Dance also provides a long list of benefits towards mental health.
It can help to increase your self-confidence as you get more and more comfortable dancing with and in front of others, and also reduce social anxiety and depression.
Learning to memorise steps and different choreo pieces also helps to improve cognitive skills, to such a large extent that dance is starting to be used as a way to treat Parkinson’s disease.
These are just some of the innumerable benefits that dance has to offer, so it’s no surprise that this art form has been synonymous with human history. Many have subscribed to the idea that dance is innate.
A study done by Duke University has even provided evidence that babies can detect rhythm in the womb, which technically means we learn to detect rhythm and perceive beats before we even take our first breath 🤯.
And yet, in spite of all this, the majority of the human race is not pursuing dance actively.
Although some of these people simply have zero interest in learning dance or prefer to engage in other sports or forms of exercise, there are those who possess the desire to pick up this art form but have not done so for a number of reasons.
Some claim to have two left feet and no sense of rhythm, which suppresses their desire to learn.
Others are wary of how they look while dancing, and more often than not, the fear of judgement will make them hesitate. And there are those who simply don’t have the time or energy to sign up for dance classes, having to ask around for friends who can join them and to decide which genres to take.
Hence the reason why we came up with our flagship programme ‘The Legacy Experience’.
Our students are carefully organised and grouped into classes based on skill level, so everyone can feel comfortable while they progress consistently and get to know each other.
This safe and nurturing sense of community has allowed even our shyest students to break out of their shells and overcome their social anxiety, allowing them to dance freely without feeling any sense of judgement.
We’ve also had people who started out thinking they had no basic rhythm but are now taking open classes, participating in dance battles and even teaching choreography.
What’s more, the structure of our programme makes it so that students just need to attend one class a week, leaving every other detail of their training to us, which makes dancing truly hassle-free!
Here at Legacy, we don’t believe that there’s any “right” or “wrong” way to dance, which is why we tell our students to come and move like they do.
And that applies to ALL ages! (Read more about how dance is ageless here)
We believe that anyone can dance and that everyone SHOULD dance and avail themselves of the innumerable physical and mental health benefits that this art form has to offer!
Come join us and experience a sense of community unlike any other as you learn more about this beautiful and inspiring art form❤️
Read more about “The Legacy Experience” here
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